Friday, 17 October 2008

Book Review: Think Like A Winner by Yehuda Shinar

Everyone can win. You just need the tools and the right attitudes. Yehuda Shinar sets out to prove that to us in this book by shaping our beliefs and actions into those used by winners.
The model? T-CUP - thinking correctly under pressure.
A winner makes the best use of their potential, even under pressure. They never give up. They think clearly. They continually push themselves to improve. They debrief and learn - during and after the performance.
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"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."
Yehuda groups the behaviours of winners as:
  1. Create the opportunity - plan and put in place the conditions to succeed - define success, practise
  2. Seize the opportunity - do your best to make the most of opportunities
  3. Maintain the momentum - build on success, learn from failure, persist in your endeavour. Debrief, debrief, debrief. Identify setbacks and reasons how you fell into them, then identify lessons to take forward, and actions to put in place.
  4. Strive for the best possible result - your best
  5. Avoid unnecessary corners - use your experience and forward planning and learn to avoid obstacles. Keep things simple.
  6. Stick to what works - experiment in non-critical times, understand and implement your winning process at critical times
  7. If it doesn't work - don't do it
  8. Do the basics well - identify the basics for your role, work out how to measure and evaluate your success in those areas, track your progress against those measures
  9. Improve your self-control
  10. Make the correct decisions. Focus on your goal and work out the next important step to get there. Create actionable steps.
  11. Learn how to thrive under pressure
  12. Maximise the use of your time - take a moment to think clearly - even under pressure. Focus on the things that matter. Delegate. Work quickly. Finish tasks.
A winner's mindset:
  • prepared to experiment
  • know that "potential is not a finite product" - keep learning and practising to grow your potential
  • Think before you act
  • Focus on the goal
  • Prepare thoroughly
  • Believe in success
  • Adopt different views of a situation or problem
  • Debrief continuously
  • Stay Positive
I have overly simplified the messages, and themes in the book and completely skipped all the examples and exercises presented.
A fast and easy read. I appreciated the continual stressing of debriefing and the focus on understanding &'perfecting' the basics of what you need to do. Two items that I haven't seen as well stressed as Yehuda stresses them here.
A recommended motivational text.
Related Reading:

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